BL2 is my favourite game and I’d love to be able to play it again, so please help me. So basically I don’t know what to do anymore, I feel like I’ve tried everything. Went to launch options in steam and used the “-NoLauncher” command.Multiple times have I verified the integrity of the game files.Here’s a list of what I have done so far to try and solve the issue: Option 1: Drag Borderlands 2 1.0 icon to the Trash Open up the Finder, click Applications on the left side, and then select Borderlands 2 1.0. So basically I can’t even get to the launcher or any screen at all from the game, it’s just not launching. After the window quits, BL2 isn’t bouncing on my dock anymore at all and tells me that the App isn’t reacting. Whenever I click play, the BL2 Icon starts bouncing on my dock, and a small new window opens saying:’ “Borderlands 2” Checking ', with a progress bar that’s at about 5% I’d say, it just stays at 5% most of the time before the window just quits by itself, sometimes when I try launching it gets to 40% before it quits.

It’s just not launching at all anymore from steam.

Schermafbeelding om 14.13.00 1920×1080 442 KB Alright so I’ve owned this game for about a year now, and I’ve been able to play it perfectly fine until about 3 months ago.